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Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Madness (41): Prophecy of Days by Christy Raedeke

What is Monday Madness?

It’s the phenomenon affecting all book lovers as we count down the hours in hopes of getting our hands on highly anticipated books on release day. So, come join me throughout the week where I will be featuring Author Interviews, Reviews and Contests for great books.

Pub. Date: May 1, 2010
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
Format: Paperback, 360pp
Age Range: Young Adult

Summary (Amazon)
Can one (super smart) girl (who just wants to be discovered) decipher the cryptic Mayan calendar prophecyand SAVE THE WORLD?

When her safe-cracker mom and code-breaker dad inherit a dreary Scottish castle, sixteen-year-old Caity Mac Fireland is not happy. Ripped from her cushy life and friends in San Francisco, Caity’s secret fantasy of being discovered by a Hollywood agent, talent scout, or even just a pageant coach seems more unlikely than ever.

But when Caity stumbles across a hidden room in the castle, its walls covered in strange symbols, her life takes a bizarre turn. She finds herself center stage in an international conspiracy involving warring secret societies, assassins, the suppressed revelations of the Mayan Calendar and the year 2012, plus the fate of humanity.

With the help of her friend Justine back home, and Alex, a gorgeous and mysterious Scottish boy, Caity must race to decipher the code and reveal its message to the world before time runs out.

Want More?
Take a look inside of PROPHECY OF DAYS here

Order PROPHECY OF DAYS @ Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Borders

Want More? Head over to The Book Butterfly on Tantalizing Tuesday for a special treat!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds really interesting, and very marketable.


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