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Friday, August 4, 2017

For All of My Game of Thrones Fans...

I'm a big fan of  Game of Thrones - the books and TV series.  Here we are on season 7 and I'm just getting around to buying paraphernalia to show how much I love GoT. Sunday's episode, "The Spoils of War," has me so excited. So I know I have to represent.

Here's to all of the GoT lovers for representing. I'll have my shirt on sitting back with a bag of popcorn and hoping for the tides to turn in favor of Dani. Although Jon Snow is my favorite character on the show.  The Mr. will be right alongside of me (the STARK shirt is his).

How about you, what are you doing to represent GOT?

 I'm ready! Let's go!

1 comment:

  1. I love GoT! The only swag I have is a map of Westeros on my office wall. I need more swag! Jon Snow is one of my favorite characters, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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